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Vitamyr Natural Products

How to handle Canker Sores!

How to handle Canker Sores!

My first line of attack for canker sores is a change of toothpaste. I suffered from these pesky little sores for thirty years before discovering that the Sodium Lauryl Sulphate found in most toothpastes both causes and prolongs the agony.

Sodium Lauryl Sulphate is a foaming agent that makes toothpaste froth and bubble. It is also poisonous. Why so many products are made with it, I can't imagine. Maybe people enjoy a mouth full of foam. I certainly don't enjoy canker sores.

Canker Sore – A REAL PAIN!

Canker Sore – A REAL PAIN!

My first line of attack for canker sores is a change of toothpaste. I suffered from these pesky little sores for thirty years before discovering that the Sodium Lauryl Sulphate found in most toothpastes both causes and prolongs the agony.


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